E-Cigarette HEALTH THREATS – Are They Dangerous?

E-Cigarette HEALTH THREATS – Are They Dangerous?

It is very difficult to grasp why vaporizers have not been included as standard equipment in medical care systems of all states. It has now been estimated that approximately fourteen thousand nine hundred and fifty thousand people die from smoking related diseases each year. This tragedy is largely due to ignorance of vaporizer dangers.

vaping health risks

The general public is under the false impression that smoking is safe. It’s been estimated that approximately one from every smoker smokes because they usually do not believe that smoking is harmful to their health. There are a number of different ways to smoke like the so-called electric cigarettes and what is called pen cigarettes. Electric cigarettes and pen Cigarettes do not contain any harmful chemical compounds or tar, and they can in fact help to decrease the outward indications of withdrawal such as for example coughing, depression and anxiety. Additionally, there are other ways to smoke such as for example what is referred to as cigar, pipe and tobacco.

Electronic cigarettes contain no real risk for those who use them. E-Cigarettes may also be a convenient way to smoke without having to get right up from the floor or desk. The problem with one of these electronic devices is they still produce what is known as “CARBON MONOXIDE SMOKE”. Because of this the vapor that is created by the device can transfer in one area to another and could still cause health risks. In fact, the chemicals and toxins that are produced may even transfer in one person to another through electronic cigarettes.

A further risk is that the vapors of the device to create an ideal medium for mold and bacteria to breed. In fact, there has been extensive research conducted on mold and its own relationship with various lung diseases. Asbestos is merely one of the illnesses that have been associated with smoking. Research has also shown that there is a higher correlation between long-term smoking and chronic bronchitis. Both these diseases are seen as a constant coughing and wheezing. Another common disease associated with long term smokers is emphysema.

The emphysema patient will most likely experience chest pains, shortness of breath and too little ventilation to the lungs. You should note that emphysema does not occur only in individuals who smoke cigars. It can affect anyone whether or not they are a smoker or not. E-Cigarette vapors have exactly the same potential for causing problems as other tobacco products.

There is absolutely no evidence that shows that electric cigarettes pose any more or less risk than traditional cigarettes with regards to causing cancer. However, there is enough anecdotal evidence on the market to cause concern. When you are concerned about the possible threat of using them to help you quit smoking, there are many online resources that offer advice and useful tips to help you decide if it could be a good idea that you try electric cigarettes.

Perhaps the biggest risk of using e-cigs is the chance of getting lung cancer. The vapor from the products is filled with certain cancer-causing chemicals that may enter your system. These chemicals are trapped in the filters of electric cigarettes and can’t be expelled by normal breathing. You may not recognize that the vapors you breathe are damaging to podsmall.com your system but it is certainly worth taking the time to research this matter further. The vapors do have the potential to cause damage if you don’t properly breathe out the fumes.

E-Cigarettes offer a good way to stop smoking without dealing with all of the health issues that come alongside quitting. So long as you use them responsibly, you may be doing yourself a favor by helping to reduce the overall health risk of smoking. It is very easy to go to the store to get these devices. All you have to is an internet connection and you also are set. Try one now to learn for yourself if it could be something you want to continue to use to help enhance your health.

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